I have a programm which creates 1000 child processes. Each process should access to a int variable, which is stored in a shared memory segment. To protect the int variable I have created a semaphore:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#define KEY 1000
#define LOCK -1
#define UNLOCK 1
int *ptr;
int pid;
int shm_id;
int sem_id;
struct sembuf sema;
int main()
if( ( sem_id = semget( KEY, 1, IPC_CREAT | 0666 ) ) < 0 )
printf( "semid error\n" );
sema.sem_num = 1;
sema.sem_op = 0;
sema.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
if( ( shm_id = shmget( KEY, 1, IPC_CREAT | 0666 ) ) < 0 )
printf( "ERROR\n" );
ptr = shmat( shm_id, NULL, 0 );
*ptr = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
pid = fork();
if( pid == 0 )
// critical part
sema.sem_op = LOCK;
if( semop( sem_id, &sema, 1 ) < 0 )
printf( "ERROR\n" );
++( *ptr );
sema.sem_op = UNLOCK;
if( semop( sem_id, &sema, 1 ) < 0 )
printf( "ERROR\n" );
// end of the critical part
int return_stat;
enum { debug = 1 };
int corpse;
while ( ( corpse = waitpid( ( pid_t )-1, &return_stat, 0 ) ) > 0 )
if ( debug )
printf( "PID %d died 0x%.4X\n", corpse, return_stat );
//while( waitpid( pid, &return_stat, 0 ) == 0 );
printf( "value %d\n", *ptr );
shmdt( NULL );
semctl( sem_id, 1, IPC_RMID, 0 );
Here is an example output:
PID 7288 died 0x0000
PID 7289 died 0x0000
PID 7290 died 0x0000
PID 7291 died 0x0000
PID 7292 died 0x0000
PID 7293 died 0x0000
PID 7294 died 0x0000
PID 7295 died 0x0000
PID 7296 died 0x0000
PID 7297 died 0x0000
value 9
PID 7276 died 0x0000
PID 7277 died 0x0000
PID 7278 died 0x0000
PID 7279 died 0x0000
PID 7280 died 0x0000
PID 7281 died 0x0000
PID 7282 died 0x0000
PID 7283 died 0x0000
PID 7284 died 0x0000
PID 7285 died 0x0000
value 10
The output should be 1000 every time, but the output vary. I do not know why this piece of code does not work properly. Can somebody help me with my problem? Thank you
Your process cleanup loop is wrong:
returns the PID it is reporting on, that's not the loop you want -- it only waits for one PID to die. This might be what you need:You can set
debug = 0
when you're satisfied it is working correctly.Reviewing example output
Some more of your problem is in the child code:
You increment the pointer only if the first
fails; you exit (successfully) only if the secondsemop()
fails.You must exit unconditionally. You should only do the increment if the first
succeeds, and you should only do the secondsemop()
if the first succeeds. You probably want some error reporting code after theif
statements.Another version
The residual problem I'm seeing is that you have the LOCK and UNLOCK values inverted.
Example run:
Note the use of
to simplify error reporting. Along witherr_setarg0()
, it is a part of a larger package of error reporting functions that I use routinely. In fact, my normal version is aprintf
-like function with a format string and a variable argument list, but this simple version is adequate for this program and is simpler.I tried your code (after solving the join of all children), and all children wait forever on the semop -1. This is because semaphore is created with an initial value set to 0 but it need to be 1 in order to let one child to run.
From the Linux semget manpage :
In order to initialize you can use :
This could also be achieve using semop +1 if the initial value is 0.
Note that you can avoid interaction with other programs or previous run using IPC_PRIVATE as sem/shm key.