I developing an Ionic 2 app and testing on Android emulator.
When the app is in background and the notification has no title, no message and content-available=1 the notification should be sent directly to app notification handler. But its not happening.
I can receive notifications with the app in foreground.
If I have a title and a message I receive the notification in the notification area. But I need to send the notification directly to the app in silent mode, without pass by the notification area.
Here is my code to send push notifications:
"delay_while_idle": true,
"priority": "high",
"sound": "default",
"color": "FFFF00",
"data": {
"content-available": "1",
"some_var": "some_value",
"ohter_var": "other_value",
How could I sent silent notifications to my Android app?
Android GCM and FCM both also work when app background.
For that you need to add below service classes at manifest with intent Filter.
To get token: