Alright. I basically want to create an iframe on my website which leads to my other website.
On my iFramed website I have a form with a Text Field and a Submit button. I would like to insert some text to the Text Field and then Click on the submit button WHEN I click on a button at Site A (the one which contains the iframe).
Is it possible in some way?
I have tried the follwoing but it doesn't seems to work:
<script type="text/javascript">
function insertTxt() {
var textstring = "test successful";
window.frames["iframeAB"].document.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0].value = textstring;
<iframe name="iframeAB" src ="index.html" id="qab" width="100%" height="210" style="border:1px solid #009ee0">
Your browser doesn't handle iframes
<input type="button" value="Go" onclick="top.frames['iframeAB'].window.document.body.getElementById('text_field').value='test successful';"/>
<a href="#" onclick="insertTxt();">test</a>
Try using
instead ofwindow.frames["iframeAB"].document
You might try this solution:
It uses JQuery
insertTxt() method in JS file
Try this using jQuery: