I am having a problem with this line Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
in my code. This code used to work fine before. All of a sudden it started throwing an error stating the create object failed. Can anyone suggest a work around?
Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")"
' enter valid SMTP host
Mail.Host = "smtpeu1-css.shell.com"
Mail.From = "SHIPLocalHost@shell.com"
Mail.FromName = "SHIPLocalHost@shell.com"
Mail.AddAddress defaultTestEmail, defaultTestEmailName
'Mail.AddAddress defaultTestEmailCC , defaultTestEmailCCName
'End If
Mail.Subject = subject
Mail.IsHTML = True
'send an email for SSR
Mail.Body= mailbody
'Mail.AddAttachment "C:\Apps\SHIP from PROD\ship\ship\UploadedFiles\" & strFileName
Mail.AddAttachment FilePath