I'm having a problem with this exercise:
Table Friend
Friend1 Friend2
Table Relationship
Friend1 Friend2 GradeOfFriendship
I need to create a trigger in which I must obtain symmetric tuple, for example:
Luc Mark
Mark Luc
in both tables.
If there is a direct contact between two people then their GradeOfFriendship = 1
If there is no contact between a pair of people then GradeOfFriendship = 0
In other cases the GradeOfFriendship
must be calculated as the minimum distance over all possible paths connecting these two people (we must consider this table as a directed graph)
My problem is not to obtain a symmetric tuple, but how to calculate all the possible paths between two people. For example:
Luc Marc 1
Marc John 1
Luc John 2
I am using SQL Server. At the moment I don't have any idea how solve this problem - I think that I must use some recursive function but I don't know how....
This is one way to create recursive fried network:
The first CTE called DATA is there so that there's no need to have friedships entered both ways into friend table. If you have them that way already, you can leave it out.
The second CTE called CTE is recursive, and it fetches all the paths from one person to another. The path -column with names separated by | is there to prevent endless loops when friendships make circles.
The final select picks only the shortest path between friends.
Example in SQL Fiddle
This is an outer join between friends and grades