The current folder listing API call responds with all the contents/items of folder. I have a requirement to filter the contents of a folder based on date. For example I would like to list all the files that were updated/created after 10/05/14 or files updated/created between 2/05/14 to 4/05/14. Instead of listing all the items of a folder.
Can you kindly let me know if this is already supported in BOX api calls?
You can do this via the search API. See both the blog post here, as well as the doc here. There are parameters to specify a wide variety of parameters to search for including type of item to look at (file, folder, weblink), specific parent-folders (ancestor_folder_ids), or a couple different date fields.
For example, you could look for only pdf's updated between 15 May 2014 at 1:35PM PST and 17 May 2014 at 1:35PM PST with this curl cmd
-H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"