@saverio was successful on answer this database query question on Tagging from Scratch: the Tag Cloud Issue
Now I'm trying to connect the tagging system with the jQuery-tokenInput to Create and Find tags dynamically as on http://railscasts.com/episodes/258-token-fields-revised.
- My guess is that is a Query problem to the Posgresql Database.
- I've got Postgresql correctly installed
- jQuery-tokenInput is on its place on Application.js
//= require jquery.tokeninput
- Somehow it can load the tags from what was already on the database, but it fails querying the same words dynamically as listed below on pictures.js.coffee code.
Following all the relevant scope:
jQuery ->
$('#picture_tag_tokens').tokenInput '/tags.json'
theme: 'facebook'
prePopulate: $('#picture_tag_tokens').data('load')
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :tag_tokens, "Tags (separated by commas)" %><br />
<%= f.text_field :tag_tokens, data: {load: @picture.tags} %>
Here my logic get lost a bit
class Picture < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :description, :title, :tag_tokens
has_many :taggings
has_many :tags, through: :taggings
attr_reader :tag_tokens
#The **below** is the relevant part for the #view/pictures/_form
def tag_tokens=(tokens)
self.tag_ids = Tag.ids_from_tokens(tokens)
def self.tagged_with(name)
def self.tag_counts
Tag.select("tags.*, count(taggings.tag_id) as count").
def tag_list
tags.map(&:name).join(", ")
def tag_list=(names)
self.tags = names.split(",").map do |n|
Tag.where(name: n.strip).first_or_create!
Below I could figure out that I'm not being able to query the Database
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name
has_many :taggings
has_many :pictures, through: :taggings
def self.tokens(query)
tags = where("name like ?", "%#{query}%")
if tags.empty?
[{id: "<<<#{query}>>>", name: "New: \"#{query}\""}]
def self.ids_from_tokens(tokens)
tokens.gsub!(/<<<(.+?)>>>/) { create!(name: $1).id }
And so was how I set my Tags controller behavior
class TagsController < ApplicationController
def index
@tags = Tag.all
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render json: @tags.tokens(params[:q]) }
So, Why I can't Query the Postgresql and I'm not able to Create or Find Dynamically?
I incorporated a solution that's easy enough: using the Gem ActsAsTaggableOn with jQuery Tokeninput
If you go through the algorithm below, you will figure out that the question above was just a misconception about the configuration between the Tag System and the jQuery. the following steps will help you in your path:
1 Put the jQuery Tokeninput files in the right places:
Vendor > assets > javascripts > jquery-tokeninput.js
Vendor > assets > stylesheets > token-input-facebook.css (and 2 others)
2 on the file in
apps > assets > javascripts > application.js
wright this line before //= require_tree . this make the javascript work//= require jquery.tokeninput
3 on the file in
apps > assets > stylesheets > application.css.scss
wright before *= require_tree . this make the css work*= require token-input-facebook
4 Put the
gem 'acts-as-taggable-on'
on yourgemfile
and run bundle install and the very same steps as here.5 make a coustom route in
for a tag controller index (we are about to define) to enable the json propertyget '/tag.json', to: 'tag#index', as: :pictures_tags
The Following Code and the above allows us to talke properly to the database
6 run a
rails g tag controller index
and on this file wright the following:7 and finally glue everything with the code you will place on
app > assets > javascript > your_file_with_tags.js.coffee
PS: #field_with_tag_list is in your view(usualy _form partial) that you generates to impute the tags like this: (#controller_tag_list) i.e. #pictures_tag_list
<div class="field">
All these are experimented code I'm sure that will help you =]
Try at your controller:
That's all.