I'm working in VBscript. I have this string:
<!-- @@include file="filename" try="folder1" default="folder2" -->
I want to extract "file", the filename, "try", the folder, "default", the other folder, AND I want to get the whole string, from < ! -- to -- > .
This regular expression gets me three matches:
The try, default, and file pieces, with submatches in each for the individual segments. That's great, but no matter what I add to the above expression to try and get the entire string as well, e.g.
(!-- @@include (try|default|file)(="([^"]+)") -->)
I go from three matches to just one, losing the try/file/default pieces. There might be more than one @@include, so I need the whole match plus the submatches so I make sure to replace the right tag with the right content.
I can't figure how to alter the expression, help!