EDIT 4/16/2012: I solved the issue of getting the timezone abbreviated into a letter format, had to download a third party sorting method and add a few things to get the desired results. The only problem now is Daylight Savings Time handlers, but there are a bunch of subjects on that. However if anyone knows how to handle UTC Daylight Savings hanlers, please feel free to help.
Thank you everyone. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I've made an html table that I've binded with a javscript viewmodel using knockoutjs that pulls the info from a private server usin JSON function. I'm trying to make each column sortable (click on the column header once to get everything in descending order according to that column's info; click header again to get everything in ascending, and a third time to get everything in it's original order).
PLEASE NOTE: I have searched for my problem and have seen other solutions, but nothing so far has worked for me. I'm hoping to find a solution specific towards my code.
The Javascript ViewModel.js file is basically like this:
Event(column1, column2, ...., columnN){
var self = this;
self.column1 = column1;
self.column2 = column2;
//Sort column2 that has the Dates (dd (day) HHMM (hours/minutes) mmm (month) yy (year) format)
self.sortColumn = "Column2"
self.sortAscending = true;
self.SortByDates = function(){
if(self.sortColumn == "Column2")
self.sortAscending = !self.sortAscending;
self.sortColumn = "Column2"
self.sortAscending = true;
if(self.sortAscending == true)
for(self.Column2 in self.rows)
return a.Column2 > b.Column2 ? 1 : a.Column2 < b.Column2 ? -1 : 0;
return a.Column2 < b.Column2 ? 1 : a.Column2 > b.Column2 ? -1 : 0;
//specify location of server and info and get them
function getEvents(){
function (data){
$.each(data.d, function(i, item){
//pushes (AKA populates) info from server into the table
function handleEvent(item){
var newEvent = new Event(item.Column1InfoFromServer,
formatJSONDate(item.Column2DateInfoFromServer), .....)
//Formats the date info from server into dd (day) HHMM (hours/minutes) mmm (month) yy (year)
var date = new Date(parseInt(jsonDate.substr(6)));
return date.format("dd HHMM mmm yy");
this.Model = new ViewModel();
I'm having one hell of a hard time getting the Date in its converted form (yes it HAS to be in that form --> actually, I still need to figure out how to include the time-zone abbreviation right after the 'HHMM' part based off of UTC). So lets say I have "11 1136 Apr 12" and "22 1624 Jan 12" among other dates in the table. Right now when I try sorting the table according to the dates, they don't sort appropriately. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
EDIT: To be clear, I'm trying to display the timezones in military timezone codes (timezones 'A'-'Z'). Also, the dates being taken from the server are already in UTC.
I was looking at another question, and someone created a knockout grid addon: https://github.com/ericmbarnard/KoGrid
I bet this might help you out :-)
---OLD ANSWER for nostalgia----
There are some great helper functions in the Underscore library, one of them being sort:
I'd give this a shot, along with creating a better model for your dates. It sounds like you need to store a property which is a unique point in time, along with a text value for the user.
Well, to get numeric values for your date objects, sort by pDate.valueOf(). This will give you the # of millisecond since epoch.
However, there is an issue inside of your sort function, but I'm not sure what it is supposed to do. You can't walk an object inside of a sort function and return values like that.