Here is my code:
$usersql = "Select fab2_type from feesys_admin where adminname ='$_POST[username]' and adminemail = '$_POST[password]'";
$userresult = mysql_query($usersql) or die ("<h3>Error in query: $query. ".mysql_error()."</h3>");
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($userresult);
if($num_rows > 0) {
When I run the SQL statement on the database through PHP Admin, it works fine. But it returns empty within the results here.
I checked to make sure the database connects fine. I checked all spelling Number of rows returns correctly. No syntax errors. When I echo the username and password and the sql statement, it's all correct.
This code used to work so I have no idea what's going wrong here.
It is because you have not quoted your
array variables properly. You have$_POST[username]
. It should be$_POST['username']
. This causes PHP to interpret username and password as constants.Here is a different shot at your syntax -
You could further shorten this by predefining (as Fred says below).
You're very at risk for SQL injection if you don't clean up user input.
Password related
I noticed you may be storing passwords in plain text. If this is the case, it is highly discouraged.
I recommed you use CRYPT_BLOWFISH or PHP 5.5's
function.For PHP < 5.5 use the
password_hash() compatibility pack
.Plus, in regards to SQL injection, use
with prepared statements, or PDO with prepared statements, they're much safer.