I have a simple - trivial - UIView parent/child hierarchy. One parent (UIView). One child (UIButton). The parents bounds are smaller then it's child's bounds so that a portion of the child extends beyond the bounding box of its parent.
Here's the problem: Those portions of the child outside the bbox of the parent do not receive touches. Only tapping within the bbox of the parent allows the child button to receive touches.
Can someone please suggest a fix/workaround?
For those following this question, here is the solution I implemented as a result of @Bastians most excellent answer:
- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
BOOL isInside = [super pointInside:point withEvent:event];
// identify the button view subclass
UIButton *b = (UIButton *)[self viewWithTag:3232];
CGPoint inButtonSpace = [self convertPoint:point toView:b];
BOOL isInsideButton = [b pointInside:inButtonSpace withEvent:nil];
if (isInsideButton) {
return isInsideButton;
} // if (YES == isInsideButton)
return isInside;
You have a
(named as button1) inside aUIView
(named as container), and button1 is partially outside the container's bounds.Problem:
the part outside the container of button1 will not response click.
subclass your container from UIView:
Don't forget to give your button1 a tag of
I had the same exact problem at hand. You only need to override:
-(BOOL) pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
Here is working code for a custom UIView subclass created solely to be tappable for its out-of-bounds children.
The problem is the responder chain. When you touch the display it will go down from the parents to the childen.
So .. when you touch the screen the parent will see that the touch is outside of it's own bounds and so the children will not even asked.
The function that does that is the hitTest. If you have your own UIView class you can overwrite it and return the button by yourself.
Per Apple’s own documentation, the simplest and most reliable way I have found to do this is to override
in the superclass of your clipped view to look like the following:Swift 4