I am using Qt Creator( without using any of Qt libraries) to test a Hello World project of FLTK2.0. But I am getting errors like:
Errors: UpBox.cxx:-1: error: undefined reference to
SelectObject@8' UpBox.cxx:-1: error: undefined reference to
SetROP2@8' UpBox.cxx:-1: error: undefined reference toPatBlt@24' UpBox.cxx:-1: error: undefined reference to
CreatePatternBrush@4' UpBox.cxx:-1: error: undefined reference toDeleteObject@4' :-1: error: C:\Users\mypc\Desktop\FLTK\fltk-2.0-win-bin\lib/libfltk2.a(UpBox.o): bad reloc address 0xb in section
The main.cpp file is given below:
#include <fltk/Window.h>
#include <fltk/Widget.h>
#include <fltk/run.h>
using namespace fltk;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Window *window = new Window(300, 180);
Widget *box = new Widget(20, 40, 260, 100, "Hello, World!");
window->show(argc, argv);
return run();
The hello.pro file:
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= qt
SOURCES += main.cpp
CONFIG+= c++11
LIBS += -L"C:\\Users\\mypc\\Desktop\\FLTK\\fltk-2.0-win-bin\\lib" -lfltk2
INCLUDEPATH += "C:\\Users\\mypc\\Desktop\\FLTK\\fltk-2.0-win-bin\\include"
DEPENDPATH += "C:\\Users\\mypc\\Desktop\\FLTK\\fltk-2.0-win-bin\\include"
Why am I getting these errors?
n.b: the FLTK 2.o MinGw compiled binaries are downloaded from FLTK Windows binaries
The static library FLTK is correctly linked, but it also requires to be linked to Win32 API to work on windows.
You have to link to Gdi32.dll as well.