I am integrating PHPBB with my Laravel installation and I am having errors because variables are conflicting.
Eg: This page: http://clashdata.tk/search/livesearch?clanname=clans&location=&trophies=0&minmembers=1&maxmembers=50&clanlevel=0
PHPBB is using the Laravel $request
var instead of the phpBB one.
The line of code is:
$script_name = $request->escape($symfony_request->getScriptName(), true);
What can I do to fix this? Is there a way I can make Laravel have nothing to do with the /forum directory and totally ignore it with everything?
phpBB uses composer, same as laravel.
If you use the same root folder for both installations, composer will try to autoload classes from both installations, hence the errors.
Please install phpBB and laravel in their own separate root folders.