I am trying to run a .class file from a bash script every 1 minute using the crontab. I get the error Could not find or load main class Cron_Read_Send_CapacityData_To_Graphite. I have already set environment variable on my machine.
If i run the bash script from the terminal it works fine.Note the bash script and the java class file are in the same folder
$ cat Run_Cron_Read_Send_CapacityData_To_Graphite.sh
java Cron_Read_Send_CapacityData_To_Graphite >> /home/marshell/graphite_cronjobs/Cron_Read_Send_CapacityData_To_Graphite.log
Cron entry:
$ crontab -e
*/1 * * * * /home/marshell/graphite_cronjobs/Run_Cron_Read_Send_CapacityData_To_Graphite.sh >> /home/marshell/graphite_cronjobs/debug_cronjob.log 2>&1
Error: Could not find or load main class Cron_Read_Send_CapacityData_To_Graphite
You error message indicates that your classpath isn't set correctly for the script to find
, I would use something like -