I'm getting the following error when my win32 (c#) app is calling web services.
The request failed with HTTP status 504: Gateway timeout server response timeout.
I understand 'I think' that this is because the upstream request does not get a response in a timely fashion.
But my question is this? How do I change the app.config settings in my win32 application to allow more time to process its data. I assume I require these changes to be made on my app settings as the webservices and IIS hosting the ws are setup with extended times.
Look forward to a response and thank you in advance.
If your using ASP.Net 5 (now known as ASP.Net Core v1) ensure in your project.json "commands" section for each site you are hosting that the Kestrel proxy listening port differs between sites, otherwise one site will work but the other will return a 504 gateway timeout.