I am using twitter gem to stream tweets in ruby. My code is
client.filter(:track => topics.join(",")) do |object|
puts object.text if object.is_a?(Twitter::Tweet)
puts object.created_at
puts object.hashtags.to_s
puts object.user.name
I need to fetch the hashtags in the tweet, if i use the above code I am getting the output as
[#<Twitter::Entity::Hashtag:0x007ff23a06d4c8 @attrs={:text=>"coffee", :indices=>[20, 27]}>, #<Twitter::Entity::Hashtag:0x007ff23a06d450 @attrs={:text=>"mornings", :indices=>[28, 37]}>, #<Twitter::Entity::Hashtag:0x007ff23a06d428 @attrs={:text=>"cantstopmoving", :indices=>[38, 53]}>]
is there a way to fetch the individual hashtags