In trying to call a webservice from a portlet from Glassfish to a webservice hosted remotely on weblogic we are getting this error:
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: This class does not support SAAJ 1.3
at weblogic.webservice.core.soap.SOAPHeaderImpl.addHeaderElement(
I added the webservicesclient.jar from WebLogic to the portlet WAR file.
How is the best way to handle this problem?
EDIT: Adding webservicesclient.jar was the wrong thing to do. I removed the jar file and that fixed the problem. The underlying problem was also fixed with a restart.
Answered my own question. See edit in the question:
EDIT: Adding webservicesclient.jar was the wrong thing to do. I removed the jar file and that fixed the problem. The underlying problem was also fixed with a restart.