Maximum and Minimum values from a summed Formula problem
Hello, I am currently using Crystal Reports 2008 which is getting its data from an Oracle database. I have looked into this at length and I have been unable to find the information I need. I have query about getting the Maximum and Minimum values from a given formula which totals 2 or more fields. A snapshot of the information I am using is:
Field1 = dB1.Left_Serious
Field2 = dB1.Left_Dangerous
Field3 = @Tester
Formula = @LeftTot
Fields 1+2 are the total score given by the Tester for each Left Test.
Test Field1 Field2 Field3
1 2.0 4.0 J Adams
2 1.0 1.0 J Adams
3 1.0 0.0 S Grey
4 0.0 1.0 S Grey
5 5.0 0.0 D Jones
6 5.0 8.0 D Jones
The formula to get the Grand Total for each Tester’s Left Test uses a grouping by Tester:
Sum ({dB1.Left_Serious}, {@Tester}) + Sum (dB1.Left_Dangerous}, {@Tester})
Using the above details we get:
J Adams = 8.0
S Grey = 2.0
D Jones = 18.0
The Maximum figure is therefore 18.0 and the minimum figure is 2.0 and the required difference is 16.0.
The problem I have is I cannot use the Maximum or Minimum commands as Crystal 2008 will not let you use the Summary Functions like Maximum on a formula that sums two fields. I know you could create a new aggregate field in the database which would solve the problem however I currently do not have administrator access to the databases and cannot create any new data tables or fields.
I have tried to get the ball rolling by using the following code in 3 new formulas:
//This Formula needs to be placed into the Group Header to reset variable
NumberVar LEFTTL:=0
//This Formula needs to be placed into the Group Footer to display variable
NumberVar LEFTTL
//This Formula declares and works out Total Left Tests
Global NumberVar LEFTTL:=LEFTTL + {@LeftTot}
However when I try to use
in a new formula I still get the error message “This field cannot be summarised.”
Is there another way to do this?
There is a workaround for this.
When you summarize the value at the same time store the values in array and retrive maximum and minimum from the array.
Now create one more formula
In the same way do for minimum using the
function.Let me know how it goes.