I started ZendSkeletonApplication via Composer. I will need for my project PRIVATE repository (Git). How to do it? Skeleton have now .git files so how I can work with my project for example on BitBucket?
I started ZendSkeletonApplication via Composer. I will need for my project PRIVATE repository (Git). How to do it? Skeleton have now .git files so how I can work with my project for example on BitBucket?
Once you forked the ZendSkeletonApplication, you can push the fork to a private repository in your Bitbucket account or on your own servers/network.
You can deploy your own packages/modules on Bitbucket and even require them via composer if you want, but as @Lars stated, it's possible to simply use a git submodule if that's easier for you.
There's also a great presentation by Niels Aderman about advanced composer usage if you're not familiar with the tool.
By utilizing the submodule feature of git, you may have your own project on bitbucket and have the zend library, etc. as a submodule in the seperate lib/-directory, like so:
The command to add a submodule is
git submodule add http://zf-repo libs/Zend
. You can then seperately update and track the zend framework, because your main git working tree will also reference a specific version of the Zend Framework Library.The best way to create a ZF2 skeleton project from scratch is to use ZFTool (http://framework.zend.com/manual/2.1/en/modules/zendtool.introduction.html). Install it to /usr/local/bin (with executable permissions) and then you can do this:
This will give you a skeleton application in the project_name folder which is completely git free.
Now create a private repository on BitBucket and follow the instructions for setting up with code already on your disk.
Note that the project created in project_name has a .gitmodules file. If you're using Composer, you can just delete this file before you add to BitBucket. If you want to use submodules, then its set up with ZF2 as a submodule ready for you to init and update.