Here's what I'm doing: 1. In Control Panel I set up the system date format as follows: dd/MM/yyyy 2. I create the following simple macro:
Sub hello()
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1) = "10/01/2014"
End Sub
- I run it, and get the following date in the cell (1,1): 01/10/2014
Whenever the date is less then 12 it converts the date to american format (MM/dd/yyyy), and when the date is more than 12 it fails to convert it and writes the date in the cell correctly, but as text. I first discovered this when trying to write dates from VSTO, but then narrowed it down to any place where you write a date to a cell from code, even Macros. Is that an Excel bug or am I doing something wrong? I'm using Excel 2013, but I believe this problem exists in all other versions as well...
VBA considers all date literals to be in US format unless the literal cannot possibly be a valid US-formatted date. If you use
; the#
s are date literal markers), VBA will fall back to dd/MMM/yyyy since it can't be anything else.If you need VBA to understand your local date format, use:
...since (as stated in the VBA Help files):
So, as long as your PC has the correct locale set,
should understand your preferred date format.