How do I make my android application translate from English to Hindi using Yandex translator? Java API and JSON file. I have got the API key and I've no idea what codes are to be written to include the API and make it work. It will be really helpful if you post the entire code :D Thanks.
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You can check this API:
Just import file to your application and then execute as shown below:
For more detailed explanation you can read the README in github.
You can start by checking out how to make an API call for their translate function. Their documentation in that part will show you the syntax for the HTTP request which will allow you to translate a specific piece of text and specify which languages you want to translate to and from.
In order to implement this into your Android application, you need to be able to send HTTP requests. There are many great libraries to do this. Loopj should be able to do the job. Their website will tell you how to add their library to your project/Android app.