Why is it saying that I have not defined my function? Is it because I have placed my function inside a document ready function? - Maybe I have to mention that I want to use this function to prevent submitting if my statement is not true.
my form tag in html:
<form class="text-left" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return myFunction();">
below is script(this script is in my head section) :
$( document ).ready(function() {
//the number generators and sum of the two numbers
var numberOne = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var numberTwo = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var sum = numberOne + numberTwo;
//write the math question to the div
document.getElementById("captchaOutput").innerHTML = numberOne+ " og " +numberTwo;
function myFunction(){
var humanInput = $('#captchaInput').val();
if(humanInput == sum){
$("#captcha_service_err").css("display", "inline")
$("#captchaInput").css("border-color", "red");
return false;
$("#captcha_service_err").css("display", "none")
$("#captchaInput").css("border-color", "");
return true;
This is because
is defined within the scope of the$(document).ready
and is not visible outside. Define it outside along with its dependant variablesUpdate
Remove the inline
for the form and useon()
like belowYes. Function declarations are (like
statements) scoped to the function they are declared within.If you want to use
as a global then move it, and the variables it depends on, out of the anonymous function you declare it with in.Alternatively, you could explicitly create a global that references it:
The best solution, however, is to not use a global in the first place.
Remove the
attribute and bind your event handlers with JavaScript instead.Make sure you capture the event object:
Then prevent the default form submission behaviour if you don't want it to submit:
Try using
Object here: