As part of a simple Automation project, I was trying to control some LEDs through serial port. I cannot make the following code working
int pin =0;
int state = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
void loop() {
// send data only when you receive data:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// read the incoming byte:
if( == 'S' && == 'S') {
// Command to set the pin
pin = - 65;
state = - '0';
Serial.print("Set State Command received");
// Set the Pin
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin, state == 0? LOW:HIGH);
I am sending "SSN1" from my python program to the Arduino serial port for testing, and nothing happens (I have an LED connected on pin 13)
SS - Set State Command
N - (pin no) + 'A' - Pin number 13
1 - State ( 0 = LOW, 1= HIGH)
You want to wait until 4 serial bytes accumulate on the serial buffer.
Note that you may want to implement some kind of padding (adding a fixed length of spaces, for example) between inputs, because the serial buffer may drop a byte or overflow, which can lead to unexpected results. Also, some people will complain about the
while (Serial.available() < 4)
command because computer scientists have been trained to think "polling = bad!", but in the case of an Arduino it makes no difference since it is only running a single task.By the way, you can also use interrupts with Serial data, but that's out of the scope of this response.
I improved my code as it look like this
It works perfectly for me. Due to the high frequency of looping, Arduino was not able pickup the bytes for consecutive read. So we are waiting for 4 bytes to accumulate in the buffer to read those (Arduino's serial buffer is 64 bytes).
actually I have also battled to get something similar right. due to the problems experienced with serial communication (sometime the messages are slow and sent in pieces, the ACII codes are difficult to remember) I went for a different solution. Basically I added a header ">" and a tail "<"to the message sent to the serial and I featured the Arduino code to consider the message between >< as command. I have then used ATOI to convert string to integer. In the following code you will see that I have used the following numbers to get Arduino changing the status of pin2 and pin13. Here are the commands associated to this code:
So, simply send out to the serial those numbers between >< and it should work. I have used the above also to set PWM speed simply manipulating the strings associated to the received messages. I have not included in this sample the PWM commands but only those related to pin 13 and pin 2. I thought that would be much simpler and safe to use numbers and string identifier to open and close the message. Load the sketch, open the serial monitor and send >1000<, you should see the internal led on pin 13 lighting up, and so on. let me know if you need any additional help.
Look at this example code from Arduino's Physical Pixel Tutorial
Verify that you see
coming through on the serial monitor.