In the widget below, is it possible to change the position of the label of the "radio" groups. I would like something like that instead of having "Type" above the items:
Type o Quantitative
o Qualitative
win <- gwindow("Empirical Phase Diagram")
BigDataGroup <- ggroup(cont=win)
DataGroup <- gframe("Data", container = BigDataGroup, horizontal=FALSE)
grp.file <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = DataGroup)
lbl.file <- glabel("File: ", container = grp.file)
browse.file <- gfilebrowse(container = grp.file)
Input1Group <- gframe("First input variable ", container = DataGroup, horizontal=FALSE)
grp.text.input1 <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = Input1Group)
lbl.text.input1 <- glabel("Column index", container = grp.text.input1)
insert.text.input1 <- gedit(text="A", container = grp.text.input1)
grp.type.input1 <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = Input1Group)
lbl.type.input1 <- glabel("Type ", container = grp.type.input1)
insert.type.input1 <- gradio(items=c("Quantitative", "Qualitative"), container = grp.type.input1)
Input2Group <- gframe("Second input variable ", container = DataGroup, horizontal=FALSE)
grp.text.input2 <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = Input2Group)
lbl.text.input2 <- glabel("Column index", container = grp.text.input2)
insert.text.input2 <- gedit(text="B", container = grp.text.input2)
grp.type.input2 <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = Input2Group)
lbl.type.input2 <- glabel("Type ", container = grp.type.input2)
insert.type.input2 <- gradio(items=c("Quantitative", "Qualitative"), container = grp.type.input2)
grp.text.output <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = DataGroup)
lbl.text.output <- glabel("Output variable range ", container = grp.text.output)
insert.text.output <- gedit(initial.msg="type a range e.g. C:AD", container = grp.text.output)
OptionsGroup <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = BigDataGroup)
grp.colorspace <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = OptionsGroup)
insert.colorspace <- gradio(items=c("RGB", "LAB", "LUV"))
lbl.colorspace <- gframe("Color space ", container = grp.colorspace)
add(lbl.colorspace, insert.colorspace)
GoGroup <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container = BigDataGroup)
read <- gbutton(text="Go", container = GoGroup,
handler = function(h, ...) {
Two things:
you can use aglayout
container to put labels on the left. Something like:The latter double assignment gives you access to the radio widget. You can also get this with tbl[1,2]. This works fine, but you need to do some bookkeeping for the row index.
(on github only right now) there is also thegformlayout
container which makes this easier:As an aside, if you are using
you can modify the font of this label, but it is super hacky. E.g.:And, if you are still using tcltk, this function should work: