I'm using WMI query to get a list of all processes, but what i missing is process description! It appears like this when i use "Description" property!
Name : chrome.exe Description : chrome.exe
but it should be
Name : chrome.exe Description : Google Chrome
So what's the property name that return process description?
public void GetProcesses()
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * From Win32_Process");
ManagementObjectCollection processList = searcher.Get();
foreach (ManagementObject obj in processList)
Console.WriteLine("Name : {0} Description : {1}",obj["Name"],obj["Description"]);
You have all the properties in the Win32_Process class documentation. Looks like you're out of luck, testing some processes on my machine using wbemtest, I don't see any property that suits you needs. It's possible that processes don't expose such information.
It is not WMI, but will work for processes on your local machine.
You may find a description of a process [sic.], actually it is the description of the executable, using GetVersionInfo. Than check the FileDescription and or ProductName properties.
Note however, that there is no guarantee that this information is available. Nevertheless it is probably your best bet. Other tools, like sysinternals process explorer, display that information as well.