I want to enter multiple values in a single cell in excel sheet based on the certain condition as in if there are multiple sheets in the workbook then if any of the sheet starting with name TC contains color in it then I've to enter the information in Read Me Section of the Excel Workbook a another worksheet. The problem with my code is that its not displaying unique sheets which contain coloring...Suppose Sheet "TC_1" and "TC_3" contains color in any of the cell then its displaying the output as ";TC_3;TC_3;TC_3;" although the expected output over here is "TC_1;TC_3".
Here, is the code:
Sub ErrorInSheet()
Dim Row
Dim Names As String
Names = ""
For Row = 2 To tsheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Chkcol = 1 To tsheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
If tsheet.Cells(Row, Chkcol).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then
Names = Names & ";" & tsheet.Name
End If
Next Row
Sheets("Read Me").Cells(13, 5).Value = Names
End Sub
Sub iterateSheets()
For Each sheet1t In Worksheets
If InStr(1, sheet1t.Name, "TC") Then
Set tsheet = sheet1t
Call ErrorInSheet
End If
End Sub
I think this will work for you - I tested it and worked for me.
but you can useInStr
if you likeIIF
statement to stop you getting a leading;
but you can split it out if you like