I am using pdfbox 1.8 and I am trying to fill a pdf form with chinese character but all I got is strange characters. I got a ttc file (uming.ttc) and using font forge I exported ttf file (right now I am tryng to use only one of the exported fonts).
Loading of the fonts is done using
InputStream is = ..
PDTrueTypeFont font = PDTrueTypeFont.loadTTF(doc, is);
and I am writing the pdf field using the following code (that I found here in stackoverflow but currently I can't found it)
protected void setPDFFieldAndFont(String fieldName, String keyFontName, Object... values) {
try {
PDField pdField = pdfForm.getField(fieldName);
if (pdField == null) {
// append fields to create a new textfield
Filler filler = new Filler();
String textFieldString = filler.toString();
String fontName = key2FontName.get(keyFontName);
COSDictionary dict = pdField.getDictionary();
COSString defaultAppearance = (COSString) dict
if (defaultAppearance != null)
dict.setString(COSName.DA, "/" + fontName + " 11 Tf");
if (pdField instanceof PDTextbox)
PDTextbox textbox = new PDTextbox(pdfForm, dict);
//PDTextbox textbox = (PDTextbox) pdField;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid field name: " + fieldName, e);
I have read that pdfbox2.0 supports unicode do I need to use this new version ?
Using font-forge I have seen that my ttf font has encoding ISO-10646-1.
Thanks for any help
As asked by Tilman Hausherr I tried EmbeddedFonts.java and it works fine but I am filling the form in a different way. I created a main sample:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String pdfform = "D:\\form.pdf";
PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load(new File(pdfform));
PDType0Font font = PDType0Font.load(doc, new File("D:\\fonts\\UMingCN.ttf"));
PDAcroForm acroForm = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getAcroForm();
PDResources res = acroForm.getDefaultResources();
if (res == null){
res = new PDResources();
COSName fontName = res.add(font);
PDField pdField = acroForm.getField("personalInformation_fullName");
if (pdField == null) {
COSDictionary dict = pdField.getCOSObject();
COSString defaultAppearance = (COSString) dict.getDictionaryObject(COSName.DA);
if (defaultAppearance != null)
dict.setString(COSName.DA, "/" + fontName.getName() + " 11 Tf");
if (pdField instanceof PDTextField)
PDTextField textbox = new PDTextField(acroForm);
but it does not fill anything. In debug the code goes to textbox.setValue but the pdfform saved does not have the value set in the pdf. Probably I am missing something ..
Thanks again
I solved the issues with PdfBox and chinese (japanese, korean, and any other font) by turning text into image, like this