Is there any way to use Socket.IO with Django?
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Sure you can!
Django itself arent asyncronous so you have to use a Socket.IO server in parallel with your normal django server, node.js isnt always a good choice but there exists others written in pure python.
here is a blog/tutorial that uses gevent as server.
For a similar solution that has a bit more history you can look at Orbited, (
Guys there is no solid support for with django... there is how ever easy toy program support g-event support was dropped for the last year as well, is also abandoned. If you want to build a simple toy program using and or g-event sure, but anything that scales is unlikely "" this is experimental.
Issues with more than 1 worker with gunicorn....
The work around is this commit.
I thought it would throw it out there just incase someone was trying to use this in a production environment like my self.
I think the best way to asyncronous communication with Django is have a node server listening in another port and use the api client of In this way, you aren't depend of the support of the modules for django and is very simple: Node listening the request from client, convert this request in a post request and send to Django for the port which listen Django. Is the best way i think.
Start here:
and here:
There are some Django examples as to how to get started.
It is based on Gevent, which implements a cooperative concurrency model. It's great coming from a request/response world, as it adds some callbacks and micro-threads without imposing it massively on your workflow.
Try it out :)
No. node.js is its own language running in its own interpreter. However if you are asking if there is a Django app which allows communicating with a Socket.IO client, then yes and no. No because no pre-made solution currently exists, and yes because all the parts you need to implement it already exist.
To implement the protocol with django, check out Django-Websocket for the backend websocket server, Ajax libraries from Dajax Project and Socket.IO-rack which is a ruby gem which implements the protocol and ruby is close enough in structure to django that you can get a lot of inspiration from it.
For an example of using with django, you might want to look at django-serverpush. It integrates django with as the transport and tornado/tornandio2 as the async server instead of node.js
Other have used django with with rabbitMQ as the message queue bridge between the two. There was a talk, "Real-Time Django" at djangocon 2011 which described usng this approach for large real-time (award-show-type) applications.