I have written a small Matlab funcion which takes an image in RGB and converts it to HSV according to the conversion formulas found here.
The problem is that when I apply this to a color spectrum there is a cut in the spectrum and some values are wrong, see images (to make the comparison easier I have used the internal hsv2rgb()
function to convert back to RGB. This does not happen with Matlabs own function rgb2hsv()
but I can not find what I have done wrong.
This is my function
function [ I_HSV ] = RGB2HSV( I_RGB )
%UNTITLED3 Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
[MAX, ind] = max(I_RGB,[],3);
if max(max(MAX)) > 1
I_r = I_RGB(:,:,1)/255;
I_g = I_RGB(:,:,2)/255;
I_b = I_RGB(:,:,3)/255;
MAX = max(cat(3,I_r, I_g, I_b),[],3);
I_r = I_RGB(:,:,1);
I_g = I_RGB(:,:,2);
I_b = I_RGB(:,:,3);
MIN = min(cat(3,I_r, I_g, I_b),[],3);
d = MAX - MIN;
I_V = MAX;
I_S = (MAX - MIN) ./ MAX;
I_H = zeros(size(I_V));
a = 1/6*mod(((I_g - I_b) ./ d),1);
b = 1/6*(I_b - I_r) ./ d + 1/3;
c = 1/6*(I_r - I_g) ./ d + 2/3;
H = cat(3, a, b, c);
for m=1:size(H,1);
for n=1:size(H,2);
if d(m,n) == 0
I_H(m,n) = 0;
I_H(m,n) = H(m,n,ind(m,n));
I_HSV = cat(3,I_H,I_S,I_V);
The error was in my simplification of the calculations of
, andc
. Changing it to the following solved the problem.