Is there a way to check if a user agent supports drag & drop of a particular element (div, tr,...)?
I've got a table with draggable table rows, which works fine in Chrome. But since Internet Explorer (up to version 9) only supports dragging of images and links (and a few others), I wanted to give it a little anchor drag handle inside the table row instead. My code looks something like this:
<tr draggable="true">
<td><a class="drag-handle"></a> Hello World</td>
$('tr[draggable]').each(function() {
// Remove draggable="true" from <tr>
$(this).attr('draggable', '');
// Add draggable="true" to <a class="drag-handle">
$(this).find('.drag-handle').attr('draggable', 'true');
Obviously, there is a lot more to do to actually make this work, but you get the gist: giving the user a drag thingy if their client doesn't support dragging of a (IE<10).
Now i want to do the replacement only if the user's client doesn't support dragging of table rows. Is there any known feature detection for that?
From Detecting HTML5 Drag And Drop support in javascript:
Thanks to Mark Rhodes for the tip! Also thanks to micha for pointing out my jQuery error (
instead ofattr('draggable')