Is there a way of taking html code for a table and printing out the same table in a word document using VBA (VBA should be able to parse the html code block for a table)?
It is possible to take the contents of the table and copy them into a new table created in Word, however is it possible to recreate a table using the html code and vba?
For any of this, where can one begin to research?
EDIT: Thanks to R3uK: here is the first portion of the VBA script which reads a line of html code from a file and uses R3uK's code to print it to the excel worksheet:
Private Sub button1_Click()
Dim the_string As String
the_string = Trim(ImportTextFile("path\to\file.txt"))
' still working on removing new line characters
Call PrintHTML_Table(the_string)
End Sub
Public Function ImportTextFile(strFile As String) As String
Open strFile For Input As #1
ImportTextFile = Input$(LOF(1), 1)
Close #1
End Function
' Insert R3uK's portion of the code here
This could be a good place to start, you will only need to check content after to see if there is any problem and then copy it to word.