I have appium version 1.4 with xcode 6.2 and ios 8.4.1 . I run appium doctor and everything is fine for ios platform. On running inspector it throws this error:
Could not start new session, app path required
I have given app path also.
I have appium version 1.4 with xcode 6.2 and ios 8.4.1 . I run appium doctor and everything is fine for ios platform. On running inspector it throws this error:
Could not start new session, app path required
I have given app path also.
Couple of things you can try/check:
Mac El Capitan (Ver 10.11.1), Xcode 7.0.1(7B91b), Appium 1.4.13
iPhone 5 (iOS 7.0.4) - OK
i. In Xcode, make sure the Debug Code Signing Identity in Build Settings->Code Signing is set to Developer provisioning profile.
ii. Build and run (⌘R) the app directly to the real device from Xcode. After that stop the running.
iii. Build the app (⌘B) so it will generate the .app file.
iv. In Appium->iOS Settings, point the App Path to the app located in Debug-iphonesimulator. Set the Force Device, Platform Version , and UDID.
v. In Appium, click Launch and then Inspector.
For iPhone with iOS 8 and above - OK
i. In your iPhone device, Go to Settings -> Developer, Enable the UI Automation.
ii. Same steps as iPhone 5 (iOS 7.0.4) starting from i to v.
iPhone 6 (iOS 8.4.1) - OK
iPhone 6 Plus (iOS 9.0.2) - OK
iPhone 6 (iOS 9.1) - OK
iPad Mini 2 (iOS 7.1.2) - OK
iPad Air (iOS 9.0.2) - OK
For simulator - OK
For testing by using simulator, in Appium-> Developer Settings, check Custom Server Flags and insert --native-instruments-lib.