I need to show splash screen on my application start for few seconds. Does anybody know how to implement this?
Will be much appreciate for the help.
I need to show splash screen on my application start for few seconds. Does anybody know how to implement this?
Will be much appreciate for the help.
Maybe a bit late to answer but i would like to share my way. I found an easy way with threads in the main program for a winform application.
Lets say you have your form "splashscreen" with an animation, and your "main" which has all your application code.
In your main form in the constructor:
This way the splashscreen will last just the time for your main form to load.
Your splashcreen form should have his own way to animate/display information. In my project my splashscreen start a new thread, and every x milliseconds it changes his main picture to another which is a slightly different gear, giving the illusion of a rotation.
example of my splashscreen:
Hope this will help some people. Sorry if i have made some mistakes. English is not my first language.
Try This:
Here are some guideline steps...
Give this a go and if you get stuck then come back and ask more specific questions relating to your problems
There is A Pretty Good Splash Screen over on CodeProject.
It comes with
The author has recently gone through and updated the code. It is really quite a piece of work, and is a collaboration between many different developers with good ideas.
simple and easy solution to create splash screen
now set timer tick in timer:
add new form use name "FORM-1"and use following command in FORM 1.
note: Splash form works before opening your form1
add this library
create function
use following command in initialization like below.
Try this code