I'm newbie in Spark and I want to update the internal state of my RDD's elements with rdd.foreach
method, but it doesn't work. Here is my code example:
class Test extends Serializable{
var foo = 0.0
var bar = 0.0
def updateFooBar() = {
foo = Math.random()
bar = Math.random()
var testList = Array.fill(5)(new Test())
var testRDD = sc.parallelize(testList)
testRDD.foreach{ x => x.updateFooBar() }
testRDD.collect().foreach { x=> println(x.foo+"~"+x.bar) }
and the result is:
RDDs are immutable by design. This design choice makes them more robust, as mutation is a common source of bugs, and it supports the "resilient" part of the RDD name (resilient distributed dataset); if a partition in a downstream RDD is lost, Spark can reconstruct it from its parents. So, it's best to think of Spark programming as construction of dataflows, even when you're not doing streaming.
, it's designed for "pure side effect" operations, like writing to disk, a database, or the console.