I have a text file that I am searching through that looks like:
ksdf 0 0 -4
as7d:S:asf 0 0 -4
kc:S:cd3 0 0 -2
asdk:S:s 0 0 6
lasd:S:dd 0 0
At the moment my specific problem is when searching the file for the 1st and 4th tokens. If the 4th token is a number everything sends fine, but when the fourth token is blank (as on the 5th line in my example) the code simply doesn't work. You can see I want to return three asterisks when it finds a blank in the %%B
NOTE: Thanks to the user, LotPings, I'm using the findstr
command to grab only lines beginning with strings containing the substring :S:
just to clarify why that's there. (Ie. line 1 in my example wouldn't be grabbed.)
I'm using:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
For /F "tokens=1,4" %%A in ('Findstr /b /r /c:"[^ ]*:S:" print.log') do (
set space="%%B"
if !space!=="" echo %%A ^*^*^* >> new.txt