I'm trying to extract the formula that is evaluated from a link generated with a formula:
has vba
and B1
has help
I've seen many, many threads and even some SO threads with suggestions, but they only get me to the ...q=
without considering I have more text to come.
The best luck I've had so far is from this thread, and I've tweaked it to search until B1
like this:
S = Left(S, InStr(S, "B17") + 2)
But it returns https://www.google.com/search?q="&A1&B1
How can I get it to first evaluate what's in those cells, before returning the URL?
I was overthinking this I think. Thanks to @MacroMan for getting my head straight. I put together the following, rather clunky, macro.
This can take a URL that looks like:
and return the evaluated URL: