I want to find the text and get the page number of text found in acrobat using VBA, I am able to find the text but not able to get the page number. for that
Sub Main()
Dim acrApp, acrAVDoc
Set acrApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.app")
Set acrAVDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
If acrAVDoc.Open("FileName", "") Then
Ok = acrAVDoc.FindText("Text to search", 0, 1, 1)
MsgBox (Ok)
End If
Set acrAVDoc = Nothing
Set acrApp = Nothing
End Sub
I am not able to set the object for
Set acrPDDoc = CreateObject("Acrobat.AV_PAGE_VIEW")
I know this is an old question, but it was one of the top search results when I was looking for the same info. I never found anything that truly met my needs so I made something up by combining several different resources.
The function below is acceptably fast, even on very large documents. It searches page by page, not word by word, so it will find multi-word matches and words with dashes (case insensitive). It returns the matches for all pages separated by commas.
Hope this is helpful to someone in the future.
sub checks each page of pdf, word by word
Sub FindtextandPageNumber()
End Sub