I am working with the date in my iPhone development. I need to increase the date by 24 hours from the current date.
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Save the download date in the NSUserdefaults then check if 24 hours have passed? If not notify the user that he/she will have to wait.
You can use dateByAddingTimeInterval
Depending on what you are really trying to achieve, just adding 86,400 (or 60 * 60 * 24 ) to your time interval might not be what you want. If for example, the user experiences a daylight-savings adjustment, then you will be off by an hour, or even a day if it happens near midnight. A better method is to ask the NSCalendar for the result, which takes into account the users local time zone.
save the last download date in NSUserDefaults. And when you try to download just check for that date.
something like this:
you can call
[self downloadDataForecedUpdate:NO]
whereever it is appropriate. on application launch or in an IBAction. Use the return value of the method to either show a download indicator or a alert that tells the user he has to wait more.Simple: