I am working on Angular/ionic Cordova project. I am using google.visualization.LineChart to display the chart in my project. First time when we come on the page where I have draw the chart, It is working properly. But when I further navigate to next ion-view and came back to the screen where I have drawn the chart, chart does not appear. Any idea why it is happening? here is my code:
$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function() {
template: '<ion-spinner icon="spiral"></ion-spinner>',
if(objS.data.orders == null){
alert('There is not data regarding Monthly Sale');
angular.forEach(objS.data.orders, function(value, key) {
objS.data.orders[key].CreatedOn=new Date(objS.data.orders[key].CreatedOn);
if(key == objS.data.orders.length-1){
$scope.data = objS.data;
console.log('drawChart Called');
function drawChart(){
var options = {
legend: { position: 'bottom' },
curveType: 'function',
titlePosition: 'in',
axisTitlesPosition: 'in',
hAxis: {
textPosition: 'in',
minValue: 0,
textStyle:{color: "#fff"}
vAxis: {
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 13,
textPosition: 'in',
textStyle:{color: "#fff"},
minorGridlines:{color: "#ccc"}
lineWidth: 6,
chartArea:{left:0,top:0,width: '100%', height: '100%',backgroundColor: '#43396D'},
colors: ['#32BD76'],
duration: 1500,
easing: 'out',
startup: true
google.charts.setOnLoadCallback( function () {
// Create and populate the data table.
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'labels');
data.addColumn('number', 'data');
for(i = 0; i < $scope.data.labels.length; i++)
data.addRow([$scope.data.labels[i], $scope.data.datasets.data[i]]);
// Create and draw the visualization.
$scope.myChart=new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('curve_chartmonthly'));
$scope.myChart.draw(data, options);
console.log('chart drawn.......');
think the problem has to do with
which is called once per page load
try moving the code inside the callback to
then call
from the callbacksee following example...
I have the same problem. I resolve change the ID reference for a class.
Ex: to
After, identify the element with jquery: from document.getElementById('your_chart_id') to $('.your_chart_id')[0]