MongoDB noob here...
Ok, I have a collection of students, each with a record that looks like the following.... I want to sort the 'type' : 'homework' scores in descending order.
what does that incantation look like on the mongo shell?
> db.students.find({'_id': 1}).pretty()
"_id" : 1,
"name" : "Aurelia Menendez",
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 60.06045071030959
"type" : "quiz",
"score" : 52.79790691903873
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 71.76133439165544
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 34.85718117893772
I'm trying this incantation....
doc = db.students.find()
for (_id,score) in doc.scores:
print _id,score
but it's not working.
this work for me, it is a little rough code but the results of the lowest tasks for each student are correct.