I'm making a cookie clicker sort of game and I want a thing where every second a certain number let's say 5 is added to another number. So every second the integer variable is going up by 5. How would I create a sort of time measuring method where it measures time so I can add a number to another number.
public class timeTesting {
// I've put this method here for someone to create
// a timer thing
void timer()
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Original number
int number = 1;
// Number I want added on to the original number every 5 seconds
int addedNumber = 5;
You can use Timer to schedule a TimerTask who has the desired code inside the run() method. Check the code below (run() will be called once after 5000 milliseconds) :
Also you can use scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask task, long delay, long period) for repetitive tasks (here run will be called immediately, and every 5000 milliseconds):
I'd like to suggest start studying
. Reactive programming is very powerful for games development: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKore-AkisYWith RxJava, your problem can be solved with Observable interval() method:
You should consider using a
which will fire an event when a certain time interval has passed. It can repeat the event every so often, too.If you're targeting the android platform you could use CountDownTimer, which allows you to execute some code every certain amount of time for a certain duration. But be aware that android doesn't work with the main method like J2SE does.
Anyway, if you're looking foward to program an android game, i'd highly recommend you to start here: Android Development
Not very elegant, but working code:
Using java.util.Timer would be more elegant, but in here you may get aquainted with anonymous classes.