Custom BLE service with SPP support?

2019-09-05 22:07发布

I'd like to have bluetooth module with iOS support and Rx/Tx pins. iOS devices support only MFI-certified Bluetooth 2.1 modules (and i can't find any) or BLE modules. But most BLE modules do not have Rx/Ts pins for transparent interaction.

As possible solution #1 Adafruit created board based on nRF8001 bt chip with custom BLE service with 1 characteristics for Rx and 1 characteristics for Tx and but unfortunately it supports SPI only and i need direct Rx/Tx pins to be wired to Arduino board directly. That needs Arduino sketches modification to work over SPI instead of Serial class and that's bad.

Also i've found solution #2 from Sparkfun based on BC118 chip. It seems to have custom BLE service too but with SPP support! But it's comparably expensive and not widespread.

The question is:

how to develop custom BLE service with direct Rx/Tx pin for widespread cc2540/cc2541 and cheap chips? Are there any hardware limitations/requirements for it?

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