I have a spidermonkey library that exports the following mangled symbol fora function JS_DefineProperty
When I try to compile a file that uses this function, the external reference is compiled as:
The end of the name is slightly different between the two. I ran both through a name demangler and they both come out to the same signature:
JS_DefineProperty(JSContext*, JSObject*, char const*, JS::Value, int (*)(JSContext*, JS::Handle, JS::Handle, JS::MutableHandle), int (*)(JSContext*, JS::Handle, JS::Handle, int, JS::MutableHandle), unsigned int)
So I'm a little stumped as to what the difference is. I believe both versions were compiled using g++ 4.7
Can anyone decode the extra difference in the name, so I can investigate further?
There is in fact a difference between the two.
demangles to :_Z17JS_DefinePropertyP9JSContextP8JSObjectPKcN2JS5ValueEPFiS0_NS5_6HandleIS2_EENS7_IlEENS5_13MutableHandleIS6_EEEPFiS0_S8_S9_iSB_Ej
demangles to :Where the former is using
, the latter is usingJS::Handle<long>