How to add static TableView to ViewController without using of a container and UITableViewController?
I think it was possible some time ago but now with latest xCode storyboard and iOS 7 it is not. The similar question without valid answer is here - iOS 7 change UIView to UITableView My table has a little difference - I try to add a static data. And I get an application crash at program start. Program crashes if I set just the datasource. If I unlink the datasource and stay the delegate and outlet the program starts without warnings but with empty cells. A remark - Storyboard changes naming for ViewController from ViewController to TableViewController at view tree without my assistance. I think it occurs after adding an IBOutlet UITableView *myTableView. Why so and what does it mean?
In the UITableViewDataSource there are 2 required methods :
It means that in MYTableViewController you must implement those like this (example with 3 cells Test1, Test2 and Test3) :