I am trying to read from a file into a dictionary. The lane.split()
method will not work as I am formatting my file over separate lines, with too many spaces.
in inventory2
(item, description) = line.split()
ValueError: too many values to unpack
Here is my text file. Key \n Value.
A rusty old key, you used it to gain entry to the manor.
A stick
You found it on your way in, it deals little damage.
Health potion
A health potion, it can restore some health.
Any solutions to this would be much appreciated.
def inventory2():
inventory_file = open("inventory_test.txt", "r")
inventory = {}
for line in inventory_file:
(item, description) = line.split()
inventory[(item)] = description
#invenory = {inventory_file.readline(): inventory_file.readline()}
Here is another way:
You are looping over each line in the file, so there will never be a line with both key and value. Use the
function to get the next line for a given key instead:or, more compact with a dict comprehension: