I am trying to automate login process for a website. I used below code
Dim objIE
Dim htmld
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.Visible = False
objIE.Navigate "website.com" //website.com is example not the original
While objIE.Busy
WScript.Sleep 400
WScript.Sleep 500
objIE.Document.getElementById("login_id").value = "ss"
the html code for the textbox login_id is
<TABLE id=logintable cellSpacing=0><TBODY>
<TD><IMG src="/nfusion/default/en_US/images/sign_in_flag.gif"></TD>
<TD class=tdlabel>User ID:</TD>
<TD><INPUT id=login_id class=txt name=login_id></TD></TR>
I am getting error of the interface is unknown. I have changed the security and login_id does not have tag so i was not able to use getElementByTag.
Try these additional checks:
I wrote a vbscript to do just what you asked, and I use it all the time. It opens up one tab in IE, and logs in, then it opens two more tabs to different pages in our application.