Ok. So I ran across a couple code examples stating that I can create a custom property for the WPF WebBrowser control, that will allow me to bind a string of html to the control for rendering.
Here is the class for the property (which is in a file called BrowserHtmlBinding.vb):
Public Class BrowserHtmlBinding
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared BindableSourceProperty As DependencyProperty =
New UIPropertyMetadata(Nothing,
AddressOf BindableSourcePropertyChanged))
Public Shared Function GetBindableSource(obj As DependencyObject) As String
Return DirectCast(obj.GetValue(BindableSourceProperty), String)
End Function
Public Shared Sub SetBindableSource(obj As DependencyObject, value As String)
obj.SetValue(BindableSourceProperty, value)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub BindableSourcePropertyChanged(o As DependencyObject, e As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
Dim webBrowser = DirectCast(o, System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser)
webBrowser.NavigateToString(DirectCast(e.NewValue, String))
End Sub
End Class
And the Xaml:
<Window x:Class="Details"
Title="Task Details" Height="400" Width="800" Icon="/v2Desktop;component/icon.ico"
WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" WindowStyle="ThreeDBorderWindow"
<WebBrowser custom:Html="<b>Hey Now</b>" />
I keep getting an error: Error 1 The property 'Html' was not found in type 'WebBrowser'.
How do I fix this??? It's driving me up a wall!
You're listing the class name as the namespace in your xmlns mapping and then you're not listing the class name in the actual attached property usage. I can't tell from your snippet what you're namespace is (you can check the Project properties to find the Root namespace) but assuming its something like WpfApplication1, the xaml would look like the following.