I need to debug in pl/sql to figure times of procedures, I want to use:
SELECT systimestamp FROM dual INTO time_db;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('time before procedure ' || time_db);
but I don't understand where the output goes to and how can I redirect it to a log file that will contain all the data I want to collect?
If you are just testing your PL/SQL in SQL Plus you can direct it to a file like this:
IDEs like Toad and SQL Developer can capture the output in other ways, but I'm not familiar with how.
In addition to Tony's answer, if you are looking to find out where your PL/SQL program is spending it's time, it is also worth checking out this part of the Oracle PL/SQL documentation.
use set serveroutput on;
for example:
instead ofDBMS_OUTPUT
will redirect output to a file:http://oreilly.com/catalog/oraclebip/chapter/ch06.html
An old thread, but there is another alternative.
Since 9i you can use pipelined table function.
First, create a type as a table of varchar:
Second, wrap your code in a pipelined function declaration:
Replace all
.Finally, call it like this:
Hope it helps.
As a side note, remember that all this output is generated in the server side.
Using DBMS_OUTPUT, the text is generated in the server while it executes your query and stored in a buffer. It is then redirected to your client app when the server finishes the query data retrieval. That is, you only get this info when the query ends.
With UTL_FILE all the information logged will be stored in a file in the server. When the execution finishes you will have to navigate to this file to get the information.
Hope this helps.