I am trying to email a file that exists on my server using PHPMailer. When I run this code, I get "Could not access file" and the email sends without the attachment... what is wrong here??
<title>Email Sent!</title>
$path = $_POST['path'];
$filename = $_POST['filename'];
$newpath = "Library/WebServer/Documents/Inventory/".$path;
define('GUSER', 'xxxxxxx@gmail.com'); // GMail username
define('GPWD', 'xxxxxxx'); // GMail password
function smtpmailer($to, $from, $from_name, $subject, $body) {
global $error;
$mail = new PHPMailer(); // create a new object
$mail->IsSMTP(); // enable SMTP
$mail->SMTPDebug = 0; // debugging: 1 = errors and messages, 2 = messages only
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // authentication enabled
$mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; // secure transfer enabled REQUIRED for GMail
$mail->Host = 'smtp.gmail.com';
$mail->Port = 465;
$mail->Username = GUSER;
$mail->Password = GPWD;
$mail->SetFrom($from, $from_name);
$mail->Subject = $subject;
$mail->Body = $body;
$attachtest = $mail->AddAttachment($newpath);
if(!$mail->Send()) {
$error = 'Mail error: '.$mail->ErrorInfo;
return false;
} else {
$error = 'Message sent!';
return true;
smtpmailer('xxxxxxx@me.com', 'xxxxxxxx@gmail.com', 'Name', 'test mail message', 'Hello World!');
Make sure the user/group that Apache and PHP are running under have at least READ permissions on the file.
This issue is common if you're working on a server and upload files using sFTP/SSH as a different user.
Find out what user and group apache/php are running under and give that user and group read access to the file you are trying to attache.
Try passing the correct path into your function like this
and calling it like
I was having the same problem.
I needed to run an extra command into my php script that move_uploaded_file() to an internal directory from my host home, then so now I could send the attachment.
That my tip that works well for me :)