I get a 'Lexical/Preprocessor Issue "*.h" not found' error when I build for release.
But it builds perfect fine if I set the build configuration to Debug.
I have this static library project in the same workspace, so I am assuming it builds every time I build my project just like CocoaPods.
When I look in the build folder, the .a file is not copied over. But it is there for the debug config. Maybe it is trying to call a header before the static library is built.
I have looked all over stack overflow and I feel like I have tried everything. This is not a duplicate.
I have -ObjC in other linker flags.
I have checked the Prefix Header
Update: The User Header Search Path is "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)" both debug and release
Thanks for your help.
For your project target Build Settings, look for "Search Paths->Header Search Path". Compare your Release and Debug settings here.
Also look into the "Build Location" for the library project for Release and Debug.